Happy Spring

May 11, 2023

Our first taste of Winter’s end here in the interior of British Columbia, Canada, is when, at the end of February or very early March I glance from our kitchen window, to see a whole flock of newly-arrived N. American Robins gorging themselves on the withered leftover fruit on our neighbour’s plumtree.

This is the one and only time when Robins group together–for shortly after arriving they split into exceedingly-territorial pairs, the male angrily chasing away any other intruder and assertively claiming his wedge of space by chirping madly away as early as 4 a.m.

All this becomes rather more defiant and shrill once their nest in our red maple sports newborns.

‘Juvenile N. American Robin’ watercolour by Lance Weisser Commissioned by J. Leckie, for his mother
‘N. American Robin, Male’ watercolour miniature by Lance Weisser